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Why We Do Clinical Trials

Why We Do Clinical Trials

We started Semaine Health because of our journey and struggle to find options that would help with our endometriosis. It was only after we found a solution for our period pain – something that we shared with friends and it helped them – that Semaine Health was born. We don’t want anyone else to have to struggle as long, or search for as many years.  

Lar and Cath Semaine cofounders

Everything we do is about building better products, and helping more people. 

If you pay attention to the ingredients we use, or the suppliers we work with, you’ll notice that the products we make are fundamentally different from other supplement companies. Our personal experience drives us to develop products differently, and then to make sure they work. 

Our mission is to make amazing products that change lives.

As simple as that sounds, that is why we run clinical trials. Yes, we share the results and publicize the data, but deep down the clinical trials help us make better products.

Running our own clinical trials help us understand how well our products work in an unbiased fashion. Every clinical trial we do is because we hold ourselves to the highest standards and because 

We’re building the most scientifically rigorous supplement company. 

We’ve been where you are, looking for answers, and we want you to find them here.

Clinical Trial Semaine PMS & Period Support

What Are Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are set up to provide an unbiased answer, and so they are much more rigorous than "consumer perception studies".

If you, for example, ask a friend whether your new haircut looks good – they’ll tell you it looks “fantastic” or “amazing” or something else positive no matter how good or bad it actually looks because they know you, love you, and don't want to hurt your feelings. That same bias that companies receive when they do consumer perception studies, and why it's so important to run clinical trials for unbiased results.

When we run a trial for our PMS/period or hormone balance supplement the process has a lot of checks and balances to reduce bias.

  • First, we design a study to mimic how people will actually be taking the supplements.
  • This study is review by an independent organization that is registered with the FDA and is called an IRB.
  • When the study is approved, the study is submitted to and we hire an independent organization to run the trial.
  • This independent organization finds people to participate in the study, does the surveys and blood draws, and makes sure that we never ever interact with participants.

All of these steps help make sure the study is scientifically rigorous and that the end results are free from any bias. 

This means clinical trials are both expensive and risky.

  1. Expensive: you have design a trial, pay for blood draws, pay someone to supervise it and run it.
  2. Risky: it might tell you that your product doesn’t work

This is why other supplement companies don’t conduct trials – they don't think their products can stand up to scrutiny.

But we do.

Our products work. They make a difference. They improve lives, and that's why we run clinical trials: so you don't just have to take our word for it. Our statements are truly backed by science.

We will be transparent with the clinical trials we run. We’ll post them publicly on and we’ll make sure we publish the results online so you can find them.

If you want to read the full details of our first clinical trial go to our blog post here for the full report.

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