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Hormones in our 20s, 40s, and 60s

Hormones in our 20s, 40s, and 60s

Hormone Changes Throughout the Decades and How to Support Them

Hormones will fluctuate and change throughout our lives as well as our cycles. These fluctuations are completely normal and part of the magnificent changes our bodies go through as we age. The changes we’re about to discuss should be seen as a general account. Everyone will have their own unique experience and if you have any concerns about yours, you should make an appointment with your healthcare professional.

Changes you may expect in your 20s

Your 20s are a time for big changes in your life. Going off to college in a new city or state, meeting new people and forming new relationships, and just generally being on your own for the first time. You’re entering the working world and finding out just what it takes to be an adult. This is also a time for biological shifts. Let’s dive into what you should be on the lookout for.

Eight Changes to Expect in Your 20s

  1. Body shape changes. When we’re in our twenties, bone and muscle growth peak and hormone levels are naturally shifting which can cause changes in fat storage. You may notice you’re carrying fat in different places than before like your hips, thighs, or even your bust. Before you jump into the latest fad diet to combat this, know that it’s natural and normal to notice a slight cumulative weight gain as you move through your mid to late 20s. In addition, everyone’s body is unique to them and their genetic makeup, so comparing yours to anyone else’s is a recipe for disaster. Embrace your beautiful body.
  2. Menstrual cycle becomes more predictable. Can we get an amen here? As you enter your 20s, your hormone levels start to become more regular than they were in your teenage years which means your cycle may settle into a more predictable pattern. This may not be the case for everyone though, so if yours is still all over the place, don’t fret.
  3. Cramps may get worse. Menstrual cramps are the absolute worst and it’s hard to imagine them being any more unbearable than they already are. Prostaglandins cause the contractions you experience when you’re cramping and unfortunately, their production peaks during your 20s. If this is you, don’t worry, we’ve got solutions for you further down.
  4. Adult/hormonal acne. We thought moving out of our teenage years meant the end of embarrassing acne too. Several factors could be contributing to this resurgence of zits—hormone changes, makeup, life stressors, and environmental factors. The good news is that this likely means it’ll be temporary, but if that’s not the case for you, you might consider chatting with a dermatologist and checking the ingredients in your skincare and makeup products.
  5. Increased vaginal discharge. Let’s be very clear here, we’re talking about the good kind. If you’re noticing any colors other than clear or white, or a foul odor, go see your gynecologist ASAP. The reason for your good discharge increasing is that your body is primed for pregnancy and childbirth, so it’s pulling out all the stops to get you there. Your hormonal changes during your cycle will also influence this.
  6. Higher susceptibility to mental health issues. The mid-20s is a common time to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety. A mixture of biology, life changes, and environmental stressors could be the cause for this. If you’ve got health coverage, you can check and see if mental health resources are available to you. The beautiful thing about today is that mental health is becoming much less of a taboo topic and there are tons of resources out there that don’t require a healthcare plan.
  7. Sleep changes. Remember the days when you’d stay up all night and sleep all day? Those are coming to an end. An adult brain is primed to sleep and rise earlier than its teenage counterpart, so you may notice shifts in your sleep patterns. This is all completely normal and will be beneficial as you transition into work life.
  8. Hormones will settle down. Your 20s are a prime time for entering into sexual relationships which often leads to the use of contraception which stops the ups and downs of hormones. If you’re thinking about using birth control of any kind, always talk to your doctor about your options so you can find what’s right for you. And if you decide that birth control isn’t right for you beyond the use of condoms, know that we support you and would never judge your decision.

Changes you may expect in your 40s

The 40s are probably the most talked about or anticipated decade for hormonal changes for menstruating bodies. Menstrual cycles become irregular as you prepare to enter the next stage of your life and hormone levels are rapidly fluctuating and changing. Understanding what is happening can be very helpful and take some of the stress away.

Eight Changes to Expect in Your 40s

  1. Periods come closer together. Due to perimenopause, you’ll notice your period becoming much less regular as it’s preparing to stop. Here is a typical pattern that may be experienced. *This may not be the case for everyone, so if your cycle length is different, that’s okay! Chat with your doctor if you have any concerns.
a. 20s: Periods approximately 31 days apart.
b. 30s: Periods approximately 28 days apart.
c. 40s: Periods approximately 24-27 days apart.
  1. Fertility drops rapidly. In your 40s, fertility can be difficult to predict because even with hormonal balance, your eggs are aging. Miscarriage rates are as high as 60% by age 44. This is not a hard and fast rule though, and some menstruators experience fertility up to age 45. If you’re thinking about having kids later in life, set up an appointment with your doctor to discuss options and even test your fertility.
  2. Stress hits harder. Progesterone, the stress response stabilizer, is dropping in production which increases your risk of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Give yourself some grace here and add time to decompress multiple times per week or daily as you see fit.
  3. PMS may get more intense. With your menstrual cycle irregularities and dipping progesterone, you may have more intense PMS symptoms. Things like mood swings, irritability, bloating, breast tenderness, sleeplessness, and food cravings may increase temporarily.
  4. Hormone shifts. You may notice a shift in one of three patterns as you go through perimenopause.
a. Periods get lighter and lighter and eventually taper off.
b.Periods get extremely heavy and irregular.
c. No change in flow, but cycles get closer together and then more irregular.
  1. Fibroids, cysts, polyps, and adenomyosis become more problematic. Since these conditions are relative or absolute estrogen dominance influenced, fibroids, cysts, polyps, and endometriosis are likely to grow faster.
  2. Weight and muscle tone gets harder to maintain. Hormone shifts and a drop in testosterone and DHEA can make it harder to maintain muscle mass. Blood sugar metabolism issues and insulin resistance make weight gain easier.
  3. You’ll be entering perimenopause. The decline of progesterone and estrogen production marks the entrance into perimenopause. The length of and symptoms associated with perimenopause may look slightly different for everyone. Once you’ve been period free for a full 12 months, you have officially entered post-menopause.

Changes you may expect in your 60s

The entrance into post-menopausal life brings its own unique set of challenges. The lack of a menstrual cycle means the production of estrogen and progesterone isn’t in as high of a demand, but the lack of these hormones causes shifts and changes in the body.

Five Changes to Expect in Your 60s

  1. Brain and nervous system changes. You may experience a mix of physical and emotional symptoms like mood swings, memory loss, irritability, hot flashes, fatigue, night sweats, anxiety, and depression due to the rapid drop in estrogen and progesterone production.
  2. Urinary system changes. Lack of estrogen can cause the lining of your urethra to become dry, thin, and less elastic. This can lead to increased frequency, incontinence, and urinary tract infections.
  3. Vaginal changes. Estrogen is also responsible for keeping your vaginal tissue moist and plump, so lack of it can cause dryness, thinness, and lack of elasticity. This can lead to inflammation, irritation, discomfort, less lubrication, and pain with sex. Try a water-based lubricant when engaging in sexual activity.
  4. Bone loss. In addition to calcium and magnesium, estrogen is a key component in bone density. Low estrogen can increase your risk of low bone density, osteopenia, and osteoporosis.
  5. Heart-related issues. Low estrogen can raise your chance of heart attack, stroke, or other heart-related issues. Coffee, sugar, salt, cigarettes, or alcohol can increase your risk for heart and bone issues.

How to support your hormones in each decade

If you’re in your 20s-30s, The Cycle Selfcare Bundle is for you.

  • PMS & Period Support will help fight bloating, cramps, and mood swings.
  • The Daily Hormone Balance will aid in hormonal balance, smooth skin, stable moods, and curb those cravings.
  • If you’re in your 40s-50s, the 40+ Essentials Bundle is for you.
  • Menopause Essentials supports fewer hot flashes and night sweats, and easier moods.
  • The Daily Hormone Balance will aid in hormonal balance, smooth skin, stable moods, and curb those cravings.
  • If you’re 60s+, The Daily Hormone Balance and Urinary Tract Cleanse & Protect are for you.
  • The Daily Hormone Balance will aid in hormonal balance, smooth skin, stable moods, and curb those cravings.
  • Urinary Tract Cleanse & Protect supports immunity while providing the ultimate bladder care.

The aging process is normal and natural. Rather than dread it, let’s support and honor the changes happening in our bodies. We weren’t made to stay the same forever and each decade is an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves.

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